Sunday, December 11, 2011

Yes, All Shall perish Live Kuala Lumpur 2011!!!

TODAY, 11 December 2011, i guess christmas comes earlier for us metalheads..huhuhu

See you there, its time for an eradication

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Big Bad Wolf Sale 2011

The Big Bad Wolf book sale 2011..Headed there on friday with my book buddies Kel and Pei Yei . After doing  a little tour of UPM..Hahahaha..we finally reached the place..spent around 5hours there..It was fun but there were pro's and con's to the sale..


  1. The books were cheap..RM8 for a Novel..RM15 for a was book heaven..
  2. The condition of the books were good..worth it!
  3. the books were pretty organised for a book sale..not neat and perfect but bearable..
  1. The was big..but not so easy to get to..was kinda of a hassle..
  2. variety of books  were not to good..could seen that it was more of a clearance..with loads of the same book all over the place..
  3. What's with the stock up of Romance books..mayb was just me but i felt like there were more romance books than other genre's..ahahaha
Well the overall damage was 28 books for just over RM200..
Now thats definitely a bargain!!

Oh and you get a free 3 YEARS membership with book xcess chopped on your receit..and you can redeem it within 90 days..
That was just like icing on the cake..

Overall  7/10

Sunday, October 2, 2011

spot on..hahaha

Hiatus of blogging...

So its been awhile...nearly a year since i last posted something here..

I'm back.. at least i hope i am...hahaha

so stay tuned!!