Saturday, October 15, 2011

Big Bad Wolf Sale 2011

The Big Bad Wolf book sale 2011..Headed there on friday with my book buddies Kel and Pei Yei . After doing  a little tour of UPM..Hahahaha..we finally reached the place..spent around 5hours there..It was fun but there were pro's and con's to the sale..


  1. The books were cheap..RM8 for a Novel..RM15 for a was book heaven..
  2. The condition of the books were good..worth it!
  3. the books were pretty organised for a book sale..not neat and perfect but bearable..
  1. The was big..but not so easy to get to..was kinda of a hassle..
  2. variety of books  were not to good..could seen that it was more of a clearance..with loads of the same book all over the place..
  3. What's with the stock up of Romance books..mayb was just me but i felt like there were more romance books than other genre's..ahahaha
Well the overall damage was 28 books for just over RM200..
Now thats definitely a bargain!!

Oh and you get a free 3 YEARS membership with book xcess chopped on your receit..and you can redeem it within 90 days..
That was just like icing on the cake..

Overall  7/10

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